Articles by

How Deal Providers Can Improve Relations With Merchants and Buyers

Negative press continues to nag the deals industry — customers are facing buyer’s remorse and merchants are not seeing expected returns, leaving deal providers pressured to pivot their business models and come out ahead. The lingering issue is how daily-deals companies like Groupon and LivingSocial can mend their relationships with both merchants and customers. Improving…

iPhone 5 Will Drive More Than 1 in 4 iPhone Ad Impressions Within 6 Months

According to Velti, a mobile marketing and advertising technology and solutions provider, the iPhone 5 is set to become very prominent very quickly, something mobile marketers should take note of. Velti’s “State of Mobile” report for August took a look back at the iPhone 4S and how it fared in the months after its release.…

Google Updates Algorithm to ‘Improve Diversity’ Domains in Search Results

Google’s latest algorithm update is supposed to resolve the issue of some search results turning up lots of pages from the same domain, but it remains to be seen if it will have a significant impact. Meanwhile, app marketers have some things to consider regarding the iPhone 5, and Groupon is looking to become more…

Google Algorithm Changes Had a Significant Impact on 9 in 10 Search Marketers

A survey from SEMPO found that nearly 9 in 10 search marketers said Google’s recent algorithm changes have had a big impact on their efforts; the survey also noted that the North American search marketing industry will be worth $22.9 billion in 2012. Meanwhile, with so many smartphone users champing at the bit for the…

60% of Marketers Measure New Leads to Gauge Revenue via Social

Awareness, a social marketing software company, recently released a report titled “The State of Social Media Marketing Report: 7 Major Findings & In-Depth Analysis.” Among the many interesting findings in the report is that 6 in 10 marketers look at new leads as a metric of revenue generation from social media. The report starts by…

Pinterest Delivers Bigger Spenders to Retail Sites Than Facebook or Twitter

A new study from RichRelevance, an e-commerce personalization provider for retailers, looks at how major social networks drive traffic to retail websites. While Facebook is the clear leader in driving total traffic, Pinterest delivers the heaviest spenders to retail sites. According to the “Shopping Insights” study, shoppers who click through from Facebook account for 85.8…

Jumptap Introduces Way to Target Mobile Ads Using Behavior and Offline Data

Jumptap, a mobile ad network, is partnering with publishers and data providers to help advertisers better distinguish between consumers displaying different types of behavior. Meanwhile, LivingSocial is going to slow its pace of acquisitions, while comments from Groupon’s CFO boosted its shares. Read on for more industry news and insights. Industry News and Perspectives: Jumptap’s…

Diversify Your Mobile Media Buys

By Sam Sim, Co-Founder, Guppy Media With the exponential growth of mobile advertising, it's important to ensure that as media buyers we are diversifying our mobile buys across all facets of mobile media. With the current growth pace of 80 percent per year, it's even more crucial now to consider mobile advertising as one of…