
  • Research: Reaching Beyond Scanners

    Web mining fuels 9.0 percent rise in spending.

  • Five States Sue RJR

    AGs contend ads, matchbooks still target kids.

  • Crunching the Numbers

    POPAI’s new measurement study gives P-O-P a leg to stand on.

  • Sponsorships: Getting in on the Action

    Sponsors target niche properties and activate, activate, activate.

  • The Girls Are Back In Town

    Nice girls did not finish last in the 2001 Licensing Excellence Awards. Properties featuring female characters Powerpuff Girls, Barbie, and Eloise were

  • Bad is Good

    Coupon clippers rejoice. Those involved in the manufacture, distribution, and fulfillment of coupons give a cautious thumbs-up, too. With consumer confidence

  • Ogre Orgy

    DreamWorks, Glendale, CA, this spring unleashes its largest promotional slate ever with a multi-partner package for Shrek, a CGI tale about the adventures

  • Covers and Uncovers

    This wasn’t planned as a swear word-and-swimsuit issue. It just happened that way. Yes, senior editor Betsy Spethmann was the first one who said dirty

  • 90 Days to a Better Brand

    health clubs around the nation will see memberships increase this month as millions of Americans begin running, lifting, and climbing stair after stair