Research: Reaching Beyond Scanners
Web mining fuels 9.0 percent rise in spending.
Five States Sue RJR
AGs contend ads, matchbooks still target kids.
Crunching the Numbers
POPAI’s new measurement study gives P-O-P a leg to stand on.
Sponsorships: Getting in on the Action
Sponsors target niche properties and activate, activate, activate.
The Girls Are Back In Town
Nice girls did not finish last in the 2001 Licensing Excellence Awards. Properties featuring female characters Powerpuff Girls, Barbie, and Eloise were
Bad is Good
Coupon clippers rejoice. Those involved in the manufacture, distribution, and fulfillment of coupons give a cautious thumbs-up, too. With consumer confidence
Ogre Orgy
DreamWorks, Glendale, CA, this spring unleashes its largest promotional slate ever with a multi-partner package for Shrek, a CGI tale about the adventures
Covers and Uncovers
This wasn’t planned as a swear word-and-swimsuit issue. It just happened that way. Yes, senior editor Betsy Spethmann was the first one who said dirty
90 Days to a Better Brand
health clubs around the nation will see memberships increase this month as millions of Americans begin running, lifting, and climbing stair after stair