
  • Guest Column: Action Speaks Louder

    Not long after joining the Promotion Marketing Association of America (as it was know then) in 1987, I developed a simple way of explaining promotion

  • Tripped Up

    Dianne Harper had no doubt her grand-prize winner was going to the Olympics. As Chevrolet’s brand promotional manager, Harper had accompanied five first-place

  • Hucksters No More

    A lot of things have happened in the 15 years since we laid out the first 20-page issue of PROMO on the Smith dining room table in November 1987. The

  • Tax Revision

    H&R Block tweaked its Million Dollar Giveaway for a second run this spring. This time, people will have to actually enter the sweepstakes. Kansas City,

  • Equal Opportunities

    American Airlines sponsored several African-American philanthropic events in 2001. But research found that black consumers still didn’t view the brand

  • Pressing Forward

    Suppliers in every marketing channel breathed both a sigh of relief and a groan of uncertainty when the final seconds of 2001 ticked off. They sighed

  • A Real Gasser

    Editor’s Note: The following campaign earned the Gran Prix as Best Promotion in the World last fall in the Association of Promotion Marketing Agencies

  • Pet Project

    Nestl USA, Glendale, CA, this month delivers via e-mail the final clue in a 10-week Great Friskies Internet Treasure Hunt. Players combine the 10 weekly

  • ipromote: Two Places at Once

    Beenz sold to Carlson Marketing Group. My-Points sold to United Airlines’ sister company, United Net Ventures. Netcentives and Flooz are bankrupt, with

  • It’s a Relationship Business

    It was tough making those first phone calls the week after Sept. 11 as I set about writing this month’s feature story. How could I possibly ask people