Guest Column: Action Speaks Louder
Not long after joining the Promotion Marketing Association of America (as it was know then) in 1987, I developed a simple way of explaining promotion
Tripped Up
Dianne Harper had no doubt her grand-prize winner was going to the Olympics. As Chevrolet’s brand promotional manager, Harper had accompanied five first-place
Hucksters No More
A lot of things have happened in the 15 years since we laid out the first 20-page issue of PROMO on the Smith dining room table in November 1987. The
Tax Revision
H&R Block tweaked its Million Dollar Giveaway for a second run this spring. This time, people will have to actually enter the sweepstakes. Kansas City,
Equal Opportunities
American Airlines sponsored several African-American philanthropic events in 2001. But research found that black consumers still didn’t view the brand
Pressing Forward
Suppliers in every marketing channel breathed both a sigh of relief and a groan of uncertainty when the final seconds of 2001 ticked off. They sighed
A Real Gasser
Editor’s Note: The following campaign earned the Gran Prix as Best Promotion in the World last fall in the Association of Promotion Marketing Agencies
Pet Project
Nestl USA, Glendale, CA, this month delivers via e-mail the final clue in a 10-week Great Friskies Internet Treasure Hunt. Players combine the 10 weekly
ipromote: Two Places at Once
Beenz sold to Carlson Marketing Group. My-Points sold to United Airlines’ sister company, United Net Ventures. Netcentives and Flooz are bankrupt, with
It’s a Relationship Business
It was tough making those first phone calls the week after Sept. 11 as I set about writing this month’s feature story. How could I possibly ask people