Articles by

Digital Thoughts – Extra Credit

There exists one thing that follows us around wherever we go, impacts our adult life at all phases, yet we have little to no access to it, little idea how it gets measured, and little control over it. Three companies control it, one of whom just...

Digital Thoughts – Extra Credit Part 2

The idea behind credit and a credit score is a good one. It means a reduced reliance on cash and a way for consumers to leverage their past behavior. For lenders it means having a tool to help gauge an applicant’s loan worthiness. The credit...

Blogging and Your SEO Strategy

If you still think blogs are just online diaries, simply another new communications fad, only used by teenagers with too much time on their hands… think again. Blogs can be a powerful component of your SEO strategy. In case you’ve been in a black...

Keep Producing Affiliates Producing

Online retailers wrestle with the issue of how much to pay affiliates, and for how long. With the idea that they don’t want to keep paying the affiliate to acquire the same customer, many have set cookies that credit the affiliate only if the customers...

Trends Report – Murdoch’s Internet Empire

The well covered $580 million acquisition of Intermix last month established Rupert Murdoch as player in the online space. If Mr. Murdoch has his way, though, Intermix will represent just the beginning of his Internet Empire. He has publicly said that...

Digital Thoughts – The Many Faces Of Google

If I were the number one search engine in the world, I’m not sure that I would allow many queries to show my number one competitor’s web site as the first listing, all while not showing any paid listings. MSN doesn’t do this. Yahoo doesn’t do this. So why...

Designing For Your Demographic

When designing a website, one must take the intended audience into careful consideration. Whether the website is business-to-business or business-to-consumer the design will require a format which caters to the desired type of visitors...

Who Can You Trust?

The other day I was talking to a sales manager at a large e-tailer when they said something that stuck with me- how do you trust a company you’ve never worked with, particularly in the online arena?

Buy your way to the Top?

If you’re an SEO, you already know the importance of building relevant backlinks. For the layman who may have heard terms like backlink and pagerank being thrown around, but wasn’t quite sure what they meant:

Digital Thoughts – Far East

It’s not often that deals in our industry top nine figures, and it is even rarer when those deals involve Internet ventures outside of the United States. Such a transaction occurred this week when Yahoo announced its intent to purchase a stake in China’s...