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Sealed Vs. Open Keyword Auction

If you have ever seen a mortgage lead form, you will know that one of the drop downs deals with the potential borrower’s credit. Not being a mortgage banker or broker, it would seem reasonable to believe that those on the lending side would only want to...

A Giant In The Making

Could a company that generates per year what a similar company does per month, one whose market cap equals that bigger company’s quarterly revenues, be considered the “next” iteration of it? That appears to be the question that CGI Holdings Corp...

P&I Postscripts

HYATT HOTELS CORP.: has rolled out Hyatt Gift Cards, which can be used toward overnight stays and hotel services, including spa treatments, golf and restaurants. The gift card, which launched last week, can be loaded with up to $500. Starting today, ...

E-tailers Prep Promos for ‘Cyber Monday’

Online retailers are prepping for a rush of shoppers to hit their sites next Monday, a full three days after brick-and-mortar retailers' traditional holiday shopping kickoff on Black Friday. Online retailers will host promotions and price cuts on Nov. ...

Google Unveils Free Analytics Service

On Monday, November 14, Google announced that it would make its Web analytics service available to Google account holders for free. Google acquired the San Diego based Urchin Web Analytics in March and has up until recently continued to use the Urchin...

Shanghai Surprise

The last time I was here was about 15 years ago. I vividly recall opening the curtains in my hotel room and seeing a sea of people dressed in black on bicycles with the occasional Mercedes Benz rolling by.

S. Korea Steps Up Spam Enforcement:

S. Korea is an economic and technological leader, which makes it an important example for the rest of the world. One distinct area of leadership is S. Korea’s success in dealing with Spam where recent policy changes seem to be effective. The new...

DM Pimping Cartoon V7

Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

The Blurring of Search and Media

That Ad:Tech might have felt crowded, overlapping, and utterly confusing - reflects not on the show but the industry. Our industry used to have easily defined boundaries and companies that could fit into independent silos. Like the continents, the...

The Ownership of Traffic

The first half of A Crash Course on the Digital Marketing Vendor Landscape, the basis to last week’s two part Digital Marketing 101, focused on the different types of internet advertising and the companies that operate in them. The second half...