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Yahoo! Publisher Network Gains Momentum

“Based on demand from online publishers, we are opening our Publisher Network to the broader publisher community. Through the expanded platform, we plan to offer unique products and services to publishers of all sizes...

Innovate Germany

Last August, The Economist released an article titled “Germany’s Surprising Economy” (August 20th, 2005) which highlights the country’s revival of its business and consumer confidence as well as domestic demand...

Accountability Online

People blog for a variety of reasons, for many, it offers a chance to be heard, to be discovered, and to network. If you are really good you can even make money along with making an impact. I started blogging for a similar reason, vanity, or better said...

The Showdown

Much like an auto race where the top few cars battle it out for number one, the fight for other positions can be as exciting, if not more so, than the one going on at the front of the pack. It’s like the Masters golf tournament. Being number one is what you want...

DM Pimping Cartoon V10

Persistent Screamers become comic book creations in the newest addition to the Confidential, DM Pimping. The Web Surfing Sinners get brought to animated life in this weekly cartoon for the online media masses. Click below to get flashed by the prettiest peons and ugliest underbelly of affiliate life.

Malibu Rum Contests Search for Best Holiday Costume

'Tis the season: Instead of decorating a tree this year, people can decorate themselves and get the chance to win a year's supply of electricity or a cruise via a series of events sponsored by Malibu Rum. The first event takes place Thursday evening at ...

Video Game Advertising Persuades Players: Study

Advertisements in video games can play a major factor in whether players buy products or recommend them to friends, a new Nielsen Entertainment study found. The study, released Monday from a joint project between Nielsen Entertainment and game publisher ...

The Beauty of Baileys

Sandra Mitchell, the owner of Divinity Salon and Day Spa in Philadelphia, didn't like the look of the blue and white tile that blanketed her salon. So

All That’s Fit to Google

In what feels like ages ago, yet in actuality occurred only two months ago, NASA and Google publicly announced their intent to work together. Having already conquered cyberspace, a milestone seemingly capped by Google’s successful hiring of the “father...

The Local Internet

The weekend before Thanksgiving, I moved into a new apartment. Besides marking the first time I have lived outside of downtown Los Angeles, the move also signified another first, my using Craigslist to sell stuff. The results truly speak for themselves...