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What to Expect in Affiliate Marketing in 2013

Forrester estimates that the affiliate marketing industry will grow to $4.5 billion by 2016, but before we get there, what can we expect in 2013? According to Scott Allan, vice president of marketing for LinkShare (writing for Marketing Land), here are the five areas budgets will be allocated to in 2013: 1) global expansion, 2)…

Twitter Could Be Worth More Than $11 Billion

According to Greencast, a financial researcher, Twitter’s valuation could exceed $11 billion, which is important because the company is planning to go public next year. Oh, and there are those Apple acquisition rumors. Greencast bases this assessment off of trading in secondary markets, though one of the firm’s analysts said “Using the secondary market for…

How a Brand Can Manage and Expand an Instagram Community

It might not be the most logical fit for all types of businesses, but Instagram at least deserves every company’s attention. According to recent research, 40 percent of top brands are on the photo filter-based social network. For brands in need of some help managing and growing their Instagram communities, here are three tips: 1)…

Get Inspired: 10 Brands Marketers Should Follow on Twitter

However you use Twitter, it’s a good idea to follow some of the biggest global brands out there. “Not only will it provide you with the opportunity to keep yourself amused, take advantage of product promotions and enter competitions, but you will also learn how to create better content for your own company’s feed,” writes…

The 8 Biggest Lessons From 2012 for B2B Marketers

With 2012 behind us, it’s beneficial for marketers to take a look back and see if they can pick up any important lessons that will help them thrive in 2013. Jesse Noyes of Eloqua shares eight such lessons for B2B marketers. These include: influencers matter, events have unexpected ancillary benefits, more isn’t always better and…

5 Big SEO and Online Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Internet marketing is rife with land mines. Here are five of the biggest ones to avoid: 1) failing to have an on-site content strategy: content needs to add lasting value; 2) failing to have an off-site content strategy: have a strategic link-building campaign ready, but remember to be careful if you hire someone else to…

What Marketers Need to Know About Mobile Marketing in 2013

If there’s one area marketers must pay attention to in 2013, it’s mobile. With mobile adoption continuing its growth, app downloads surging, and an increasing number of page views coming from mobile phones and tablets, it’s easy to see how important the mobile realm will be for marketers this new year. To help marketers wrap…

5 Trends for SEO and Content Marketing in 2013

In 2011, Google’s Panda algorithm update changed the game of website creation and promotion, placing a bigger emphasis on high-quality content. Then another update in April 2012 pushed SEOs to turn away from paid links, link wheels and blog networks, among other strategies. “Yet, we enter the paradox

How Brands and Marketers Can Overcome Information Overload in 2013

“Increased filtering by consumers will make it more difficult for brands to permeate permission-based news streams, making brand exposure and consumer engagement more challenging than it has been over the last several years.” Social media fatigue, information overload, filter failure