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Lessons in Value Add

Despite what one of our favorite friends in the industry tells us, it is not easy making money arbitraging media. And, with the recent tightening by Facebook, the job of the arbitrager has not gotten any easier. It isn't...

So, What’s New?

Depending on your perspective, ad:tech either felt like just yesterday or as though a month has gone by. Regardless of how the time passed, most people found themselves asking the same question...

Week in Review

Week in Review. Headlines for the week. Get Daily headlines from our facebook fan page (digital moses)

The Price of Friendship – Part 1

This week, the vast majority of the performance marketing industry swarmed to San Francisco for one of three shows, the largest being the ritual we call ad:tech. There are two distinct sides...

The Price of Friendship – Part 2

In almost every article we write, we seem to talk about the uniqueness of the performance marketing space. There aren't many other areas where one person or a pair of people can start from almost nothing...

Chucks Challenge Update

Digital Moses' Chucks Challenge at ad:tech San Francisco is over now, but you can take a look at all the lovely Chucks-donning women at the Digital Moses Facebook Fan Page.

Business Transition from Social Media Tactics to ROI

Businesses are maturing in the realm of social media, according to Social Media Examiner. Last year, the top question about social media concerned tactics - this year, it concerns return on investment.

Online Video Ads Work Better Than, Enhance TV Ads

According to Nielsen, online video ads perform better than TV ads on all four major metrics, but that doesn't mean that advertisers should ditch the traditional small-screen format altogether.