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Zagat Big on Foursquare, Facebook Big on Facebook

Foursquare and Facebook are two social networks with quite different attributes (for now), so what do the lists of top brands on each platform look like? If you're into spoilers, here it is: they're pretty different.

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry.To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

The Aftermath

In the performance marketing world, education doesn't refer to the institutions many in our sector attended (for those that did), nor does it refer to the teams that...

Google’s Dilemma

For some reason, seeing "dilemma" used next to a name reminds me of a store right around the corner named "Emma’s Dilemma." Pass a place enough times...

Seven Cows

Next week marks a staple in the performance marketing calendar, Affiliate Summit. Last year, at least three thousand, if not more, descended upon and experienced the...

Back-to-School is Happening, Will Last Beyond August

Back-to-school e-mail messaging will peak this week, according to The Retail Email Blog. This means that for companies that haven't started working on their back-to-school campaigns yet, they'd better get cracking. But a late start is not too big of a reason to fret - purchase interest for back-to-school shopping will last beyond August, and…