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A Boom from the Boomers

Instead of harping on the negative, today, we wanted to take a deeper dive into one of the segments that many in the sector have a lot of interest, and are looking to it as one among the largest...

Mobile Internet Dominated by E-Mail at Site Level

Nielsen delved a bit further into the activities that American mobile users partake in and found that while the E-Mail and Social Networking sectors maintained their prominence, News & Current Events and Portals saw significant shifts

Affiliates Behaving Badly … Again

It is the love / hate relationship between affiliate manager and affiliate. Make money. Make me money, but don't get in trouble. Need me to look the other...

Getting Political

If you are reading this at an office, try this out. It works best at offices full of mostly younger people, and it works especially well at places where the core business has little to do with...

Mommy Blogs, Online Ads Are Key for

"Power Moms" are a mighty consumer group, especially during back-to-school time, when they'll spend around $21.35 billion this year on supplies. The best ways to reach them are online ads and through other moms.