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Android Continues Surge, Browser and App Usage Up

According to the latest figures from comScore, there are 15 percent more smartphone users in the U.S. during the three months ending September compared to the three-month period ending June, and Google continues to gobble up market share.

Apples to Apples and Acai to Acai

Arbitrage is driven on traffic, and cpa network revenues are for a large part driven by the successful acquisition of traffic. Sometimes, you don't need new publishers or new advertisers. Sometimes, you need new traffic.

Musical Affiliates

Affiliate Networks have always been plagued with fraud. Most of the times foreigners try to sign up and either run very little traffic and 'fly under the radar' or run a massive amount for a short time and in both cases hope they get paid.

Ads By… Your Company Name Here

Publishers, Network, and Advertiser. These are the essential building blocks of the performance marketing ecosystem. Publishers work with networks; networks recruit and work with...

The Rise of Call Verified

Throughout all of the ups and downs of 2009 and 2010, one piece of the performance marketing puzzle has kept chugging along, almost enjoying its under the radar status, co-reg. It's a world of...

E-mail Marketing Takes Half of Marketers’ Time

E-mail marketing and company websites are the most used marketing channels, and e-mail marketing takes up nearly half of marketers' time, according to a study from Lyris, an online marketing company.

America Took Its Midterms. Did We Pass?

Whenever I hear the word "midterm", I can't help but associate it with the college exam schedule. You start a course, and then about halfway through it, you get a test. It's an important test. Not quite...