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Asia Leads the Way with Mobile Web Usage

Mobile Web usage is more popular in developing nations than it is in developed nations, according to data found by Pingdom via StatCounter. It appears that Opera has a healthy lead in the mobile browser market worldwide.

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Social Media is Top Priority in 2011 for PPC and SEO

During a webinar given by Craig Macdonald, senior vice president and chief marketing officer of SEM and SEO software and agency services provider Covario, two surveys were taken to gauge the top PPC and SEO priorities for advertisers in 2011. Not surprisingly, social media was a big part of both responses.

Android Ad Impressions Are Surging

According to Millennial Media's Mobile Mix report for October, mobile ad requests on Android devices grew 65 percent month-over-month, while requests on Apple devices grew 12 percent. Also, among smart phones, Android has pulled even with Apple iOS in terms of market share.

Black Friday Online Sales Grow Nearly 16%

According to Coremetrics, an IBM company that provides Web analytics and marketing optimization services, found that the U.S. online retail sector experienced a healthy year-over-year gain in online Black Friday sales.


If you were asked to name Google's largest acquisition to date, would you know both the company and the amount? With their countless acquisitions this year alone, the growth of their Android...

The Plurality Effect

The story of Groupon's potential sale has us thinking about, not just whether it makes sense for the rumored acquirer, Google, or if we are about to see a battle between Facebook and Google not...