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The DMConfidential Year in Review

We are admittedly reflective, perhaps because looking back is easier than forward. Whatever the reason, we like to start off the new year by highlighting some of the trends and news that played out over the past year. As with many...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

One-Third of U.S. Mobile Subscribers Access Social Networking Sites on Mobile Devices

According to the latest figures from comScore, an average of one out of three mobile subscribers in the U.S. accessed social networking sites on their mobile devices during the three months ending in November. Google's Android was the fastest growing mobile OS during that time period, followed by Apple's™ iOS.

Apple iOS: 73% of New Mobile App Projects in Q4 2011

According to Flurry, Apple iOS still accounts for about there in four new mobile application projects, despite Google Chairman Eric Schmidt's proclamation that "Android is ahead of iPhone now."

Keywords With On-Page Optimization Jump up 11 Positions in SERPs

Keywords with on-page optimization activities thrive much better than those without on-page optimization activities - about 13 positions better, according to Conductor. Long-tail queries are most affected by on-page optimization activities.

A New Year Means A New DMConfidential…Finally

Let's be honest. The site is really ugly. It's so ugly it's like a built-in suite of Yo' Mama jokes, except ours are Yo' Site jokes, like Yo Site so old even the Way Back Machine version looks newer. Yo site so old, it's what you see is what you don't get. Clearly, our…

34% of Consumers Would Never Purchase a Product via Facebook

Oracle Retail recently spearheaded a survey to examine consumers' perceptions of their experience when they shop across different retail channels. It included a look at these two questions: "How do consumers use multiple channels...