
Beth Negus Viveiros

  • Don’t Make Email Marketing a Siloed Experience

    A siloed approach to email marketing and campaign management only leads to customer fatigue and frustration. Organizations that tear down these walls and deliver a relevant, seamless, cross-channel customer experience will be rewarded with share of mind—and wallet.

  • Creating Synergy Between Social Media and Email Marketing

    The rise in popularity of social media doesn’t mean the demise of email marketing. In fact, social media has the potential to elevate the effectiveness of email when the two are integrated wisely.

  • Voice Of Customer Data Worth Collecting And Analyzing Despite Challenges

    Analyzing customer opinions can provide valuable insights. This knowledge, however, is not easily gained. Knowing how to collect this information without biasing it, and aggregating qualitative — non-numeric — data can be daunting. Chris Cottle, executive vice president of marketing and products for Allegiance, offers thoughts on best practices in aggregating and using customer opinions.

  • Holiday Email Watch: Free Shipping Friday Round-Up

    comScore reports that consumers have spent $30.9 billion online so far in November-December, a 15% increase over the same period in 2010. While Cyber Monday still holds the record for the heaviest online spending day of the year for the second …

  • GetGlue Connects Entertainment Marketers With Fans

    As TV watchers, moviegoers and readers increasingly consume entertainment with tablets and smartphones at their sides, the potential for marketers to connect with them via another screen becomes more and more enticing. Enter GetGlue, which wants to become the social hub for entertainment.

  • Mobile Helps Pei Wei Asian Diner Collect Email Names

    Adding mobile to the promotional mix helped P.F. Chang’s China Bistro’s fast-casual sister chain Pei Wei Asian Diner introduce a new menu item and gain nearly 20,000 new email subscribers in two weeks.

  • Why You Shouldn’t Over Segment Your Prospecting Database

    Over the last few years, data marketers have gone to extreme lengths to cherry pick what they think is the perfect audience for each communication they send. But is this approach producing a profitable universe—or just a small one?

  • Tips for Avoiding ISP Filters and Getting Your Email Read

    Some big changes have taken place over the last year in how ISPs process and deliver email. Filtering that used to focus on spam complaints and unsubscribes is now looking at metrics like messages that are deleted without being read, the percentage of messages received from a sender that are opened, and messages replied to.

  • Tips for Using Your Database to Drive Revenue

    Direct marketers usually aren’t very creative about how they take advantage of their marketing databases. Sure, modern marketing databases are used to make general decisions about whom to promote. Typically this is done with rules-based logic such as recency, frequency, monetary value (RFM) cells or—even better—with statistics-based predictive models. However, this is just scratching the surface of what a modern marketing database can do.

  • CM Listline: Corporate Gift Buyers List

    If you are marketing only to consumers this season, you may want to consider testing a corporate gift buyers list