

    The first thing Gaye Littell did after wrapping up Harley Davidson’s 95th anniversary blowout this summer was de-brief Harley’s staff to start planning

  • Bright and Baubly

    Teen magazine, published by Los Angeles-based Petersen Companies, and TeenShop, a division of Buy-Rite Costume Jewelry, Freehold, NJ, have signed a licensing

  • Dialing Up Clients

    Jones Naughton Entertainment Inc., San Diego, CA, and its AMS Inc. subsidiary, announced that they will offer free prepaid calling cards to existing advertising


    Home Delivery/USA Of course it’s important to know your customer, but for Packard Bell, it became crucial to get to know its retail salespeople – and

  • Style Points

    Because of the incredible success and buzz created by this promotion for Levi Strauss’s Slates slacks, Chris and Matt were deluged by interview requests.

  • FOOD

    Chex Quest/USA Even the hardened promotion pros who served as World PRO Award judges scratched their heads in wonder over how Ralston Purina could afford

  • The Nation’s Top Promoted Brands

    There’s a classic Far Side cartoon that shows Einstein at his blackboard, puzzling through a ridiculously convoluted formula. In the middle, tucked among

  • Ai Quiero!

    Taco Bell capitalizes on Dinky fever this holiday season with plush dogs that speak when you squeeze them. Four different dogs wear accessories and say

  • Account-Specific Spotlight: Detroit

    Motor City markets are big on coupons, but short on some of the services that are standard in other cities. Detroit is the No. 1 market for stores offering

  • Samsung Joins MovieFone

    For the second time, Samsung Electronics America will team with MovieFone for a sweepstakes that offers Samsung’s electronic gear as prizes.Callers to