The first thing anybody generally does after selecting and paying for a technology to run their affiliate program is to have second thoughts. Did I buy the right software, ASP, or whatever?
As soon as the deal is signed, you inevitably run into somebody who is using the competitor, and they’re fantastically satisfied with their solution. Let me break it to you – tracking and reporting is a commodity that doesn’t vary greatly from one provider to another.
There are certainly various classes of affiliate management software, and I don’t want you to think I’m saying they are all equal. Some are most assuredly more equal.
The options break down as follows: network, ASP hosted, licensed stand-alone, solutions integrated into shopping carts, and then you can always roll your own.
The Best Affiliate Solution Provider
When searching for the ideal solution for your business, there are a number of factors to consider. One of the most important issues is the size of your wallet. Your best technology for tracking an affiliate program is the best one in your budget.
You also have to determine what you need. As you get up to the more advanced solutions, they have price-points to match. Don’t be dazzled by sales presentations – focus on what you need to run your program, and use that as your guide to selecting a technology.
That’s harder than it sounds. Fortunately, Dr. Ralph Wilson just released his Report on Affiliate Management Software 2005.
This report provides insight from Dr. Wilson, as well as customers of the various affiliate solution providers, to enable you to make an informed decision.
If you’re new to all of this, the report provides a primer on how the technology works. Then, he goes into the different types of affiliate tracking and reporting out there, and why each type makes sense for certain types of companies.
The Kings of Affiliate Tracking
People are always trying to find out which solution is the best. Well, Dr. Wilson helps to settle the issue, based on the data he has collected, as well as his extensive knowledge of the space.
The Report on Affiliate Management Software 2005 awarded an Award of Merit for Excellence in Affiliate Management Software for the various categories.
As far as the networks, the winners were Commission Junction, LinkShare, and MYAP. AffiliateClicks took the title for the ASP Hosted category. There was no winner in either the Licensed Stand-Alone or Integrated into the Shopping Cart categories.
Affiliate Solution Popularity Contest
According to data I collected for the AffStat 2005 Report, the most popular technology provider was Commission Junction/Be Free. Next up was MYAP, and then a tie between DirectTrack and LinkShare.
So the winners of the popularity contest were pretty consistent with the findings of Dr. Wilson. One area that also turned out to be high on the list was the home grown solution, done well by Amazon, AllPosters, and a few others – but a catastrophe in the hands of most people.
The most important thing for you to take away from here is that unless you have carte blanche with the resources of your IT department, the DIY affiliate technology is the road best not taken.
Stick with the pros that are constantly upgrading and improving their technology. If you get something custom built, you’re likely to have a static and insufficient application that doesn’t grow with your needs.
Missy Ward and Shawn Collins are co-founders of the Affiliate Summit, a pay-for-performance marketing conference taking place in Las Vegas on June 13-14, 2005. Also, Missy is the Director of Marketing for CPAEmpire Affiliate Network ( and Shawn is the CEO of Shawn Collins Consulting (