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Yo, Soy

Three major food companies are jockeying to bring soy mainstream, even though other functional foods are currently faltering.In January, Kraft Foods bought

Two for the road

Mediaplex, an advertising technology company, and OpenGrid, a provider of wireless Internet services, have joined forces to offer marketers a system for


Chicago-based True North Communications purchased 49% of Imada Wong Communications Group, which specializes in Asian-Pacific American Marketing Communications.

Traffic control

Online promos get better mileage when they're connected to offline traffic and sales. E-stakes, Chicago, links on-pack gamepieces to Web promos on a brand's

Scratch This

RealTime Media, the folks who brought us online scratch-off cards, is now offering Easy Money, a turn-key instant-win sweeps package. Marketers buy virtual

Busier business card

Miller Brewing Co. wanted to make it easy for distributors to execute its responsible-drinking programs with retailers and local community groups. So

One Man’s Junk… another man's "pop-culture archive." In Alex Shear's world, branded products offer both a link to marketing's past and a bridge to its future.You

Saved From the Shredder

A few tidbits of truth from the 1999 scrap heap - before we jump-start the shredder and begin a new millennium.FURLESS FREEBIES. McDonald's redefined