
  • Lead Management

    Not too long ago we wrote about one of my personal favorites, web based instant messaging company Meebo. I have used the product since I first read a story of how it caught on in an unlikely place, with our troops…

  • Google Gains, Yahoo, Ask and AOL Lose in May

    May was another good month for Google in terms of its share of the search market. According to the latest figures released by comScore’s monthly qSearch analysis, Google owned 50.7% of the total search market in May…

  • Blinkx Unveils Cutting Edge Ad Platform

    Blinkx, the growing video search engine, recently launched an ad platform, AdHoc, that would place ads beside or in videos based on what it “hears” in them. This speech-recognition technology is the first of its kind in the video…

  • ICANN Has Full Plate of Issues

    Even though the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) rejected the .xxx top-level domain (TLD) for the third and final time on March 30, 2007, the organization still has TLD issues to tend to, among others.

  • “Compliance” as a Sales Tool

    When I approach compliance as a lawyer, I am primarily thinking of compliance as a legal issue. That is, what can a company do to assure that they are in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations? This is…

  • The Next YouTube?

    Though YouTube has become almost synonymous with all things online video-related, there seems to be a number of video-sharing sites that see a window of opportunity. After all, with the growing utilization of online ads…

  • Adknowledge Gives Away $500 in Free Advertising to New Customers.

    Adknowledge, which operates an online advertising marketplace at, announced they are giving away $500 in free pay-per click advertising for all new customers. This limited promotion requires advertisers to act fast if they wish to participate.

  • The Beginning of the End for Incentive Marketing

    After ValueClick disclosed an inquiry into their lead generation practices by the FTC announcement stemming from the company’s incentive marketing campaigns, it was only a matter of time before changes would start to make…

  • Top Web Properties in May

    May was a month that included the beginning of the summer movie season, Mother’s Day, and the start of major political debates. According to comScore Media Matrix this meant that May 2007 was a good one for movie information…

  • Hooray for Online Video Ads

    According to a report titled “Frames of Reference: Online Video Advertising, Content and Consumer Behavior,” online video ads seem to be making good on its promise of good returns.