
  • Nearly Half of Large US Companies Analyze Outbound E-Mail

    According to a recent study conducted by Proofpoint, 48 percent of large U.S. companies employ staff to read or analyze outbound e-mail, 38 percent overall, and nearly a third of companies have fired an employee for violating e-mail policies in the past year.

  • One-Fifth of E-Mails Don’t Reach Inboxes

    According to a recent report released by Return Path, titled “Return Path Deliverability Benchmark Report”, more than 20 percent of commercial, permissioned e-mails do not reach the inboxes of their intended recipients in North America.

  • Yahoo Flogger Slap

    Walking around Affiliate Summit East last week, we still couldn’t shake the two world’s colliding feel we get every time we attend the show. In one corner sits the real affiliate world, the ecosystem supporting small to medium retailers…

  • Market ahead of the pack

    Finding new marketing strategies, ideas and offers will allow you stay ahead of the competition, grab your consumers attention, and in the end, give you a much bigger ROI.

  • Social Network Sites Used to Keep in Touch, Have Fun

    According to a study conducted by Anderson Analytics, all age groups in the U.S. use social networking sites more to keep in touch with friends than anything else, while big portions of older age groups are using Facebook and MySpace.

  • Spam = 92% of All E-Mail

    According to McAfee’s Q2 Threats Report, spam and botnets are at all-time highs, with the quarter’s boost in spam volume marking the longest streak of increasing spam volumes ever.

  • Twitter Linked to the Most in E-Mail Marketing Campaigns

    According to New York-based e-mail marketing analysis company Email Data Source, Twitter is the most linked-to site in e-mail marketing in 2009, followed closely by Facebook.

  • The Friend Test

    In some ways we lament the recent decision by Yahoo to ban all ads that either directly or indirectly point to non-branded diet and teeth continuity programs, which means this could be the beginning of the end for the various Rachel Ray’s diet blogs and Mom’s Teeth Journal.

  • Puppy Arbitrage

    If we step back and take a longer-term view of the world, the business landscape is dotted with companies and services that did well for a while but ultimately ceased without evolving.

  • FTC Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Rules to Protect Consumers of Debt Relief Services

    In an ongoing effort to better protect financially distressed consumers, the Federal Trade Commission is seeking public comment on proposed rules to combat deceptive and abusive telemarketing of debt relief services – services that purportedly can reduce consumers’ credit card and other unsecured debt.