The USPS will increase what it is willing to pay for information on the anthrax mailings of late 2001 to $2 million, according to published reports. The increase, reports say, comes as a result of pressure put on the Postal Service by mailers.
According to reports, the USPS’s original offer of $1 million was augmented by $250,000 contributed by shared mail marketing firm ADVO. The post office is expected to announce the increase within the next week, reports said.
Wire services accounts indicated that mailers were eager to see the reward increased because as long as the perpetrator remained at large, consumers would have a lingering distrust of their mail.
Separately, Lockheed Martin Corp., told wire services that it had developed BioMailSolutions, a low-cost biohazardous agent detection system. Reports said that installation could begin within two months, and that it could potentially replace the irradiation techniques the USPS is currently using.