American Eagle Hosts Jonas Brothers Concert, Sweeps

American Eagle Outfitters’ new kids’ brand, 77kids, is leveraging entertainment to promote a new apparel line by hosting a concert with the Jonas Brothers in November.

The concert, scheduled to stream online at on Nov. 14 from Los Angeles, will include performances from the Jonas Brothers, interviews and other exclusive content.

The event kicks off the launch of the first 77kids collection online at starting Oct. 21. The assortment includes denim, fleece, T-shirts, dresses, outerwear, footwear and accessories.

A sweepstakes also supports the promotion. American Eagle Outfitters is giving seven girls and seven boys a chance to attend the concert in person. People can enter at through Oct. 4. In addition to concert tickets, the grand prize includes a walk on the red carpet at the event, backstage passes, air fare and hotel accommodations.

Online marketing supports the promotion.

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