84% Of Canadian Users Distrust Online Privacy

As many as 84% of Canada’s Internet users fear that any personal information they may enter in a Web site will not be secure. Almost three out of four cited concerns that such information will be misused or stolen as the main reason why they do not shop online.

Both statistics are the result of a survey conducted in March by the Angus Reid Group. The Toronto-based research company interviewed 1,125 Canadian Web users in March and released the results yesterday, during the midpoint of the CMA’s National Convention and Trade Show.

Angus Reid also found that 62% were very concerned that databases holding credit card information may have security flaws; 57% were convinced that credit card information could be used for unauthorized transactions; and 54% believed that their credit card data could be stolen by thieves and hackers.

Reid concluded that such perceptions have created a barrier to e-commerce that hinders the growth of Canada’s digital economy.