7-Eleven's coffee is well liked. Some even like it more than leading brands such as Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's. However, it was a sleeper product; no one knew how good it was. 7-Eleven felt that if people would try the coffee, they would become loyal drinkers. But first, 7-Eleven had to capture consumers' attention.
Integer united coffee lovers around a common group of people they affectionately called "The Drips" – those annoying people you should never encounter before your first cup of coffee – your smug ex, your over-sharing coworker, the loud talker with the Bluetooth headset, etc. So the agency built a Facebook-controlled robot called Dip-A-Drip that allowed coffee lovers to extinguish their annoyances with 7-Eleven coffee. You could actually dunk your favorite annoying person in real time from the convenience of your home computer thanks to 7-Eleven coffee.
To date, the 7-Eleven Facebook page has nearly 2 million fans—very active, talkative fans. 7-Eleven just needed to give them something to talk about. Via email, tweets and Facebook posts, 7-Eleven fans blabbed all over the Internet about the Dip-A-Drip technology. And on September 28, 2011, it went live – drips were dipped, 7-Eleven coffee was sloshed and everyone, except maybe for the drips – had an awesome time.
To date, the promotion has received 1,326 publicity placements and 367 million brand impressions. More than 250,000 coffee lovers claimed a free cup of 7-Eleven coffee – it's unknown how many converted permanently; and 23,000+ registered for the live event.