Month: December 2011
Driving For the Green: A Q&A With TaylorMade Golf’s Bob Maggiore
Chief Marketer talked with Bob Maggiore, newly-named CMO for the Adidas Group’s TaylorMade Golf subsidiary, about the challenges and benefits of keeping customers buzzing about your products year-round
Chief Marketer December 2011 /January 2012 Issue
25 Trendsetters to Watch:
CM names marketing trends that will shape 2012 – and the brands already using them to boost sales…
The Rise of Call Verified – Why
In a slightly perverse analogy, we could argue that for-profit-education is the pornography of the lead generation world. We’re not saying that it is profane; what we’re really saying is that of any vertical, those successful in for-profit-education tend to be some of the most advanced marketers. And, like…
Clickbooth is Working with Guardian Ad Litem to Provide 56 Children with Gifts.
Not As Bad as it Looks – Your Job Application
At times, it feels as though you can divide up the performance marketing world into a few groups. Those who are deliberately shady and those who are not. Those who receive deliberately shady traffic accidentally, and those who do not. Even the best and biggest businesses will receive some…
The Week in Review
Headlines from the industry.
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Internet Users Are Spending More Time Than Ever on the Top 10 Sites
The top 10 websites are capturing more and more of a user’s time spent online, according to Compete. Facebook is leading the way by a rather large margin.
U.S. Mobile Fill Rates Stabilize, Worldwide Fill Rates Continue to Drop in Q3 2011
Smaato recently released its “Q3 2011 Mobile Metrics Report,” which share data on mobile advertising adoption, fill rates and overall effect on mobile ad network performance, and considerations for mobile developers and advertisers. Among the findings was a stabilization of fill rates in the…
Mobile Email Opens Increase 51% in the First Half of 2011
Knotice’s “Mobile Email Opens Report: First Half 2011” highlights a handful of interesting findings, including a surge in mobile email opens in that time period. However, mobile email click-through activity is lagging.
Two-Thirds of Smartphone Owners Performed Shopping Activities on Their Phones in September
According to recent stats from comScore, two-thirds of all smartphone owners performed shopping activities on their phones in September. Digital purchases, clothing or accessories, and tickets were among the most popular types of products purchased by smartphone buyers during the month.