Six E-mail pointers to Lift Results

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Right now is THE best time to step up your e-mail testing. Why? Because many of your competitors are pulling back – both on their marketing budgets in aggregate and on testing specifically. You can gain the advantage and determine what’s working and what is not post haste today because your competition has likely buried…

Stupid ESP Watch: The Big Lie

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

I received a cold-call voicemail yesterday from a representative of an e-mail service provider looking to do a barter deal. Never mind I’m not the person to approach for barter deals—or any other type of non-editorial issue, for that matter—the sales rep made one statement that made me cringe. “Our delivery rates are very high,”…

New EmailAppenders-Related Firm Surfaces

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Yet another e-mail list-sales firm has surfaced that appears to be related to EmailAppenders, an India-based company that evidence suggests has no physical presence in the U.S. and has been accused by multiple marketers of ripping them off.

Sara Lee Gets Social with Deli Campaign

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

A new social media campaign for Sara Lee brand’s Fresh ideas pre-sliced deli meats is bringing a bit of humor into the lives of busy, harried moms with satirical “video confessions” courtesy of players from Chicago’s Second City improve troupe