
Month: February 2009

  • Google Starts 2009 Right Where it Left Off

    Nielsen Online and comScore qSearch agree that Google was the top search engine in January, and they nearly agreed on exactly how much market share the search giant claimed during the first month of 2009.

  • New Year. New Mailer’s. Same Mistakes

    In any business venture, you should begin with the end in mind. For email marketers, the end goal is to execute a successful email campaign.

  • Get ‘er Done

    In less than a week, we set off to Vegas once again, this time for the second installment of online lead generation trade show, LeadsCon. Last year, in its inaugural year, the planners hoped that they would attract 350…

  • The Battle Over Display

    A reader commenting on our, or at least my, non-stop obsession with flogs, quipped that we should change the name from DMConfidential to FlogConfidential. It’s true. Q1 2009 has ushered in the year of the flogs…

  • Retailers Flock to E-Mail

    According to recent figures released by e-mail marketing strategy and creative services firm Smith-Harmon Inc., retailers ramped up their promotional e-mail campaigns in December, building on a trend that began in September.

  • Royal Mail Sale Battle Heats Up

    The battle over privatizing Royal Mail has heated up as various groups expressing strong support and opposition as the matter is set to go before Parliament.

  • Hartford Courant Layoffs Include Direct Mail Unit

    The Hartford Courant daily newspaper is eliminating about 100 jobs including an unspecified number in ValuMail, its direct mail subsidiary.

  • R.R. Donnelley Losses Widen

    R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. posted a net loss of $686.9 million for the fourth quarter, compared to a net loss of $292.9 million in the prior year.

  • Court Halts Alleged Online Payday Lending Scheme

    A federal court has ordered a halt to certain practices by seven U.S.-based companies and an individual that allegedly operated as part of an international Internet payday lending operation, according to the Federal Trade Commission.

  • Cartoon Network Pushes National Recess Week

    The Cartoon Network is taking its third year of support for National Recess Week seriously with a range of activations, including a shot at a Guinness World Record in a game of four-square.