Yahoo is Popular in Japan

comScore recently released its first report detailing the top Web properties and the top gaining Web properties in Japan for the month of June. The figures took into account all unique visitors age 15 and over who browsed the Internet from a computer at work or home.

There were 53.7 million unique visitors in Japan in June, which is 49% of the nation’s entire population age 15 and over. The average Japanese Web user spends 15 days per month online.

Yahoo! sites were the top Web property in June, attracting 41.5 million unique visitors, or 77% of the entire Japanese online population. The average user spent 13 days in June on Yahoo! Web properties.

Google sites came in second with 31.3 million unique visitors, or 58% of the online population in Japan. Microsoft sites were third with 31.0 million unique visitors, or 58% of the entire online population in Japan.

Rakuten Inc. (28.7 million), FC2.COM (25.5 million), NTT Group (25.2 million), Nifty Corporation (22.0 million), Wikipedia sites (19.4 million), LIVEDOOR.COM (19.1 million), and Amazon sites (18.3 million) rounded out the top 10 Web properties in Japan for the month of June.

None of these sites were in the top 10 list for the top gaining properties in June. IZA.NE.JP drew a unique audience of 3.5 million in June, a 52% gain from May’s audience of 2.3 million.

DIVX.COM grew 30% from May to June, while The Mozilla Organization drew an audience that was 26% larger in June than in May.
