Warren Group Picks MeritDirect to Manage Real Estate and Finance Files

The Warren Group has awarded list management of its files to MeritDirect. The Warren Group’s properties focus primarily on real estate and financial information within the New England area, and include asset value, dwelling type, home owner, lender, lender type, mortgage amount, mortgage date, property type, lot size, regional, sale price, year built, geography and other selections.

Warren Group information is culled from deeds and mortgages filed in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and from sales deeds and purchase mortgages filed in New Hampshire. The Warren Group also collects property ownership data obtained from tax assessor records in six states: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont.

The real estate records database is updated weekly and contains sales dating to 1987. They have sales data for every town in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. And they can provide real estate sales and mortgage transaction data for over forty states.

Base rental fees are $110 per thousand for most files. List include a Homeowners’ database; Mortgage Transaction Database; Residential Land Owners; Subprime Homeowners; Commercial Property database; Bankruptcy Filings; Federal and State Tax Liens; and weekly updates of foreclosures and foreclosure auctions.

Contact the John Ganis at the Warren Group for which New England states are represented within each list. Ganis can be reached at (914) 368-1024 or [email protected].