Visa Sweeps Takes Shopping Global

Visa USA will dangle a 10-day shopping spree as the grand prize in its World Shopping Tour promotion.

The May through July campaign lets the top winner choose three cities to visit with three friends on a globetrotting-shopping spree worth $150,000. Visa cardholders are automatically entered each time they use their card.

The promo plays up Visa’s dual positioning as a convenient card for travel and for shopping. ARC North America’s Frankel, San Francisco, handles the promotion.

“No card is more closely associated with these activities than Visa,” said Senior VP-marketing services Bob Pifke in a statement.

Separately, San Francisco-based Visa just wrapped up its Team Spirit sweepstakes tied to the 2004 Olympics Summer Games (February PROMO). Visa, a long-time Olympics sponsor, will award two grand-prize trips for four (past prizes were for two) to the Summer Games in Athens. Fifteen first-prize winners get a Panasonic 42-inch plasma screen TV to watch the Games at home with friends. The promo ran February through April via ARC’s Frankel.