USPS Asks PRC To Correct Nonprofit Periodic Rate Error

The U.S. Postal Service will by Friday formally move to correct an error in its nonprofit periodical rate schedule. The error was which was discovered shortly after the Jan. 10 rate increase that raised commercial rates an average of 3 percent and nonprofit rates by nearly 20 percent went into effect.

After meeting with the leaders of two major national nonprofit umbrella groups, the Alliance of Nonprofit Mailers and the National Federation of Nonprofits, the USPS agreed seek Postal Rate Commission endorsement for a plan that would correct the error.

Besides seeking to correct that error, the USPS will ask the PRC to support a proposal that would permit overpayment refunds of between several hundred to several thousand dollars to affected nonprofit mailers.

And, it will ask the PRC to recommend that the postal service’s Board of Governors approve a move that would allow nonprofit mailers to “migrate back and forth between commercial and nonprofit rates in order to receive the most favorable rates.”

The Alliance, said assistant director Amy Gotwals, “is pleased with the speediness in which everyone has moved to resolve this problem and that the USPS has agreed to grant nonprofit mailers refunds.”