Twins, GI Joe Giveaway Draws Little Protest

Though anti-war groups said they would protest the Minnesota Twins’ GI Joe action figure giveaway, the Major League Baseball team said the toys were rejected by very few fans on Monday.

The promotion was part of the Twins’ Armed Services Appreciation Night at the Metrodome. The team gave out 5,000 of the Mattel action figures before the Twins played the Kansas City Royals.

But GI Joe was only part of the promotion. Current and retired military members were given the opportunity to purchase half-price tickets, and pre-game elements included a display of military equipment on the Metrodome Plaza, and the introduction of a “Military Starting Lineup” featuring children of soldiers deployed overseas.

Also, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty was on hand to celebrate the return of C Company, 142nd Engineer Battalion of the Minnesota National Guard out of Little Falls.

The announced game attendance was 16,191.