
TravelSmith , a travel accessories cataloger, has awarded its list of 400,000 last-12-month direct mail buyers to Millard Group. The average age is 45, and nearly seven out of 10 individuals on the list are female. The average unit of sale is $145.


Selections: Three-, six-month buyers, credit card, amount purchased, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262


TravelSmith has awarded the management of its 400,000 12-month buyers list to Millard Group Inc., effective June 5. Buyers from the travel-related products and accessories catalog are age 45 or above, have average household incomes of $90,000, and spend $145 on the typical unit of sale.

Cost: $115/M

Selections: 3- and 6-month buyers, credit card, purchase amount, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262