Toy Sites Fuel Initial Online Holiday Spending Burst: Study

Toy and video game Web sites saw 99% growth jumps in the last two weeks – the start of the holiday shopping season – according to Nielsen//NetRatings, an Internet audience measurement and analysis firm. The period under scrutiny marks the kickoff of the firm’s fifth annual Holiday eCommerce Index.

Within this category, ToysRUs (105%) and KB Holdings (96%) registered the biggest growth.

“Toys and games got the holiday season started this year, with big spikes in many of the firms’ online sessions,” said Robert Leathern, Nielsen//NetRatings’ director and senior analyst, in a statement.

He continued, “Other categories like consumer electronics, and home and garden have shown strong consistent growth throughout this year, and continue to grow traffic strongly as the holiday season is kicking off.”

Home and garden sites saw consumer shopping sessions rise 27% during the past two weeks, with rising 80% and Sears seeing 54% growth. Consumer electronics sites jumped by 25%, with leading the charge with a 68% boostm followed by at 65%.

Two online mainstays, and eBay, increased user sessions by 16% and 2%, respectively.