Whom Do You Trust with Your Search Data?
The attempt by Justice Department lawyers to gain access to Google search data may have opened an important new front in the war over the security of personal data online. The search powers have generated amazing amounts of revenue for themselves and their shareholders simply by linking ads to the terms users enter for a general search. But sustaining that revenue growth into the future, the industry believes, requires offering users more personalization and more interrelated services, and giving advertisers increasingly better ways to target their ads both demographically and eventually by searcher behavior. That means building ever bigger user databases. But who gets to see those?
BigDaddy Means Big Changes at Google
One of the most popular forms of exercise among many search engine optimizers
Digital Wants to Be Your Remote Control for the Web
Mixed blessing, double-edged sword, backhanded compliment… whatever metaphor you choose, having Google take an interest in your vertical space is not an unalloyed boon. On the one hand, it’s a confirmation that your space is officially hot. On the other, it’s a signal that you can’t slow down, and in fact you’d better have some gas left in the reserve tank in order to stay ahead of the competition. That’s the situation video search engine finds itself in, now that Google has opened its Video Store beta.
Google Comes Down Hard on Landing Pages
As if online marketers didn’t have enough to think about in the middle of the holiday season, in early December Google snuck a lump of cyber-coal into their stockings in the form of an announcement that it was adding something new to its “Quality Score” measure: an evaluation of advertisers’ search ad landing pages.
SideStep Goes Hunting Up the Amazon
SideStep, one of the best-known travel metasearch engines, needed wider distribution and better exposure on the Web. wanted to offer more robust travel services than simply selling discount tickets.
Heeding the Wisdom of Socrates’ Words
If you’ve been lucky enough to avoid lawyers in your life, you may have had many occasions to use what Socrates Media LLC has to sell: do-it-yourself forms and kits for everyday legal transactions from leases to divorces. And thanks to an intensive paid-search marketing campaign, the Chicago company is doing its level best to make sure you can find their product when you need it.