
Letters to the Editor

  • Letters to the Editor

    : Oh joy – a column especially for copywriters!

  • Letters to the Editor

    Someone with an Indian accent answers the phone, and says, “Thank you for calling SBC DSL service, my name is Joe, how can I help you?” Now I have many friends and associates in this country of Indian descent and I have NEVER met one named Joe, Tom, Bill or Ted.

  • Letters to the Editor

    The July 8 Direct Newsline article about Indiana Attorney General Steve Carter has a glaring error. The petition in question is not an “anti-do not call” issue


    GOOD READING I loved Katie Muldoon’s recent column (Direct From Muldoon, May 1). It’s smart to compare catalogs to compelling literature.Arnold HowardParagon

  • Letters to the Editor

    Re: Loose Cannon: Database Marketing Goes to War, Direct Newsline, June 27, 2005]: Regarding your column on the database of Selective Service registrees…

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters in response to “Loose Cannon: Firms Wipe Out on the Title Wave,” Direct Newsline, June 20, 2005

  • Letters to the Editor

    : I really enjoyed your Loose Cannon article about the “customer-cuddling” position. I definitely agree that anyone who carries that title not only is ridiculed by his own co-workers but he probably doesn’t take his job too seriously himself.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters in response to “Loose Cannon: An Column, Direct Newsline, June 6, 2005”

  • letters to the editor

    GIVE ‘EM A REASON As a copywriter, I don’t think a communication can ever be too copy heavy. People don’t read or not read copy based on its relative