

  • What Podcasting Can Do

    Marketers: Wary of associating with the uncertainties of blogs and unruly bloggers? Why not leapfrog directly to podcasting? At least that’s the advice offered by several advertisers at an Ad:Tech Chicago session on RSS and podcast advertising.

  • Ring and Rank

    How does your telecom carrier measure up in online customer service? Not bad, judging from new research by The Customer Respect Group. Of the 55 telecommunications

  • Top Marketers Can Forecast Spending Impact: Survey

    If it were necessary to cut marketing spending by 10%, would you be able to forecast the impact on sales? Marketers answering yes are part of a small-but-growing crowd.

  • Scoring Your Firm on the Metrics Maturity Model

    Marketing has taken the first steps toward accountability, but the journey is long, and most of it lies ahead, not behind. That’s the overarching message from the Association of National Advertisers.

  • Essential Metrics for B-to-B Direct Marketing

    Measurement is a hot topic for marketers today. Everyone is under pressure to demonstrate results, deliver value to their firms and justify budgets.

  • Calculating True B-to-B ROI

    To summarize campaign effectiveness, marketers need some kind of conclusive metric, such as return on investment. But in B-to-B, when a campaign’s revenue often is sizable compared with its expenses, ROI is problematic.

  • ROI Buffet

    How this for return on investment? Direct marketers plan to spend an average of $250,000 on database upgrades this year, and four out of five expect the expenditures to pay for themselves, according to Direct magazine’s 2006 database practices survey.

  • Late to the Table

    You go to the restaurant. You eat the food. You like the food. You tell your friends. You go back to the restaurant. And if they know your name when you return, well, cheers, right?

    Why then, do only seven of the top restaurant chains in the United States bother to have loyalty programs?

  • Three Ways to Tap Hidden Consumer Spending Power

    The vast majority of marketers today are missing a very key element of data: money. And we’re not talking just about consumers’ income and homeownership and investments.

  • COLLOQUY Corner: The Soft Side of Loyalty

    If hard benefits represent the rational, tangible side of the value exchange in the eyes of your customers, then what about the benefits that appeal to the emotional, personal side of the relationship? Do soft benefits matter?