Survey Shows Consumers Prefer Direct Mail

Think that e-mail is the most effective way of maintaining customer relationships? Not so fast.

A new survey conducted by Pitney Bowes shows that consumers prefer old-fashioned snail mail.

Of 300 U.S. households surveyed by telephone, 34% said that paper direct mail is the best medium for maintaining a relationship. That was followed by print ads with 30%; television, 25%; and radio, 5%.

E-Mail? It came in at 4%, and the Internet at 2%. Telemarketing drew a fat zero.

“While e-mail and the Internet are important communication and research tools, our report indicates that they are not perceived as valuable as direct mail in building and sustaining customer relationships,” said Kevin Weiss, president, customer marketing, Pitney Bowes Global Mailing Systems, Stamford, CT, in a statement.

And what do people like about, uh, junk mail (which Pitney Bowes is in the business of facilitating)?

Eighty-two percent said they enjoy the control it gives them in deciding when to open an envelope. And 78% prefer it because it is non-intrusive.

Almost two thirds say they like the feeling of security it gives them.

High percentages also like direct mail because it is familiar, convenient, interactive, universal, private and personalized.

Of those surveyed, 45% said they would mention the company to their friends if they received a targeted direct mail piece. Almost as many said they would call if they wanted more information, or open a second piece of mail sent by the company. Thirty-nine percent said they would look for further information on the Internet, and 22% indicated they would make a purchase.

Companies must realize these benefits, because direct mail now constitutes 65% of all mail received by the average household, compared with 56% in 1987.

The survey, conducted with Peppers & Rodgers Group, Norwalk, CT, targeted households with annual incomes of $35,000 or more.