Survey News: A Slightly More Egg-stravagant Easter?

(Catalog Age) Americans who intend to celebrate Easter this year plan to spend 4% more than they did last year on Easter gifts, according to a new survey conducted for the National Retail Federation by BIGresearch.

Survey participants plan to spend $107.17 on average, compared to $102.76 last year. Overall, the study says that Americans will spend $10.47 billion on Easter this year.

Broken down by market sector, consumers on average will spend $31.65 on food, $20.85 on apparel, $16.87 on gifts, and $14.97 on candy. They’ll spend less than $10 each on flowers, decorations, and greeting cards, the survey shows.

While women are expected to spend about the same as they did last year, the survey concludes that men will spend 13.48% more than they did last year –or $115.91 on average.