Sales of products and services delivered directly to the home (Consumer Direct) will realize enormous gains by 2010, and may account for as much as 24% of all retail sales, according to a new study released by Peppers and Rogers Group and California-based Institute for the Future.
Among the findings of the study, it is predicted that by the year 2010, the number of households using e-commerce and grocery-delivery services regularly will rise dramatically from 6 million today to 29 million.
Consumer Direct (CD) revenue for both products and services will account for between $438 billion and $1.1 trillion, compared with $190 billion for 1998. The percentage of households using traditional CD channels (mail and catalogs) use will drop to 50%, from 67% today
Businesses will become one-to-one enterprises and develop systems to capture what they learn about a single shopper across all delivery channels–in stores, through catalogs and the Internet–and personalize their response to individual customer interactions, according to the study.