Special Reports

Special Report: Getting the Most Out Of Database Tech

Database technology solutions are making it easier than ever before for marketers to take advantage of customer information and target the right audience at the right time with the right messaging. And while taking the leap to database-driven marketing may be less intimidating than it has been in the past, getting the most out of…

Inside Overstock’s Transition to Data-Driven Marketing

As everyone in retail and ecommerce is fully aware, changes abound within the industry. To accommodate these and future changes while creating a personalized, data-driven methodology for meeting customers’ needs, Overstock needed to shift to a data-driven marketing approach.

2015 B2B Marketing Outlook

It’s 2015. Do you know if your B2B marketing strategy is where you want it to be? In this special report, Chief Marketer asks the experts for the top tips and trends you need to improve B2B lead generation, engagement, customer retention and ROI.