Slipping Past the Filters

Business-to-business marketers face a particularly thorny problem getting their marketing e-mail delivered. Many companies’ filtering technology halts marketing e-mail indiscriminately before employees even see it. So how can marketers get messages through to employees who have signed up for their e-mailings?

Corporate filters typically rely on content scans, such as header, subject line and copy, as well as blacklists. Unfortunately, there’s no way to reliably predict the filtering techniques used at any given company, nor is there a way to know precisely how much e-mail has been filtered out.

But the following techniques can help a B-to-B marketer work around filters to ensure better deliverability of e-mail to business customers.

  • Get permission

    Make sure your customers are given a choice to opt in to the most relevant communication and that they grant explicit permission to receive it.

  • Reinforce relevancy

    If customers truly believe your communication is relevant to them, they’re much more likely to advocate for it to continue and complain to their company when it’s been filtered.

  • Be engaging

    Make your communications more informational, less sales focused. Find ways to engage your customers in providing feedback on content