Showtime, Monster Promote New TV Series and Showtime Networks are offering consumers a job “to die for.”

As a part of sweepstakes to support Showtime’s new series Dead Like Me, one grand-prize winner scores a trip to Vancouver, British Columbia, for a walk-on role in a future episode and $10,000. Entries will be taken at Maynard, MA-based through Sept. 15.

National TV, outdoor, print, radio and online ads support. Plus, messages promoting the series and sweeps will be included in 3 million fortune cookies in the New York area. New York City-based Civic Entertainment Group handles the effort for Showtime, New York City, and

The series, which tells the story of a girl who comes back to life as the Grim Reaper, premieres June 27. Viewers of the first episode can enter a separate sweeps for a $10,000 prize by calling a toll-free number to enter a code shown on TV during the premiere. Showtime handles this sweeps in-house.