Short Cuts

KnowledgeBase Marketing, Richardson, TX, has named Richard Muller to the newly created position of executive vice president of CRM solutions. Muller had previously been senior vice president, CRM solutions for the company in its Vancouver, Canada office. In his new position Muller will be responsible for integrating KnowledgeBase’s database and CRM applications group with its analytical services and strategic consulting divisions

. Information giant Dun & Bradstreet, Murray Hill, NJ, has named Larry Kutscher leader, B-to-B e-commerce. In this role, he will develop and lead the company’s business-to-business e-commerce strategy. Kutscher comes to D&B from Goldman Sachs & Co. where he was managing director, wealth management.

Q Video, the newly-formed video unit of television shopping channel QVC, West Chester, PA, will distribute and market all major league baseball’s MLB Productions’ home video products.