Search Results for: virtual reality

  • Conversation Pieces

    This is getting personal. Interactive marketing has evolved towards the kind of one-to-one conversation that marketers covet a real interaction between

  • BEST promoted BRANDS of 2002

    One year later, and our economic slump has become ingrained. That’s got marketers using words like and as often as they say or (God help us) There’s a

  • Road Work

    So you’re thinking about getting a 53-feet-long, doublewide, expandable trailer with a giant, hydraulics-enhanced replica of your product for that national

    Tagged in:

    MONDAY, JUNE 17 KEYNOTE ADDRESS 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM John E. Potter, Postmaster General and CEO, U.S. Postal Service 10:15 AM – 11:10 AM CONCURRENT SESSIONS

  • Flying Down in Rio

    Forget about playing in Peoria. Will it play in So Paulo? A campaign for Fiat Automoveis S.A. conducted by Rocha Azevedo Marketing Promocional (now The

  • A Medium That’s Well Done

    With foresight to rival that of Nostradamus, Marshall McLuhan in 1967 recognized the profound and compelling influence of all media independent of the

  • Play Time

    Hordes of product manufacturers, marketing directors, and entertainment property owners flooded Manhattan’s lower Broadway in February for the annual

  • Bad is Good

    Coupon clippers rejoice. Those involved in the manufacture, distribution, and fulfillment of coupons give a cautious thumbs-up, too. With consumer confidence

  • Financially Ailing USPS Under Fire For Paying Manager Bonuses

    With the U.S. Postal Service predicting that it will lose between $2 billion and $3 billion this year, its payment of some $280 million in bonuses to


    JUST WHEN the U.S. Postal Service has barely finished implementing its latest round of rate hikes, postal officials already are talking about additional