Search Results For: loyalty

  • Data Mining: Tips for leveraging your valuable customer and prospect data

    Download the latest Database Marketing tip sheet from Chief Marketer

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  • Hell Hath No Fury Like a Brand Champion Scorned

    No doubt, word-of-mouth marketing has become a key component of the marketing mix. As we know it is an ever more important interaction among consumers. For brands, listening, transparency and evaluating ROI are among six ways to keep people talking and convert consumers to brand advocates. However, as we also know, negative comments can be difficult to tamp down.

  • Gap Rolls Out One-Day ‘Name Your Price’ Offer Online

    Casual apparel retailer has taken another step to re-engage customers, this time with an innovative adaptation of Web couponing that lets online shoppers negotiate for the price they’re willing to pay

  • Amex Launches Cardmember Deals via Foursquare Check-ins

    American Express is taking a new swing at burnishing both its youth appeal and its loyalty with current cardmembers, and it’s choosing the location-based social platform Foursquare to do so

  • Engagement is a Strong Measure of Email Success

    As email marketing has matured, the ability to measure the channel’s performance has evolved substantially. Yet all too often, marketers rely on rudimentary campaign metrics from the batch-and-blast days of the past to judge effectiveness.

    Instead of thinking exclusively about how well a particular offer or piece of creative performed, marketers should additionally look to longitudinal metrics—measurements of subscriber engagement over time—to determine whether or not an email program is successful.

    One of email’s greatest strengths is its measurability. Marketers regularly evaluate campaigns against standard response metrics such as delivery rates, open rates, click rates and conversions. These are all excellent criteria for how well a particular offer or message resonated with the target audience. Further, those who are willing to test multiple combinations of copy and presentation (from lines, subject lines, content, creative, layout, etc.) can achieve highly optimized rates of response at a campaign level.

  • Retailers Make Hay By Responding to Negative Comments

    We all know that “listening” to conversations and comments about our brands on the social Web is very important, which is why social listening tools have become an indispensible part of marketing. But what marketers do with that information is even more important.

  • Mystery Invites Intrigue

    Airline loyalty programs that allow customers to earn points to redeem for air travel have long experienced in-flight turbulence. The level of participants

  • ING Direct Smartphone Apps Build Loyalty, Community with Mobile Banking

    A recent study by Forrester predicts that one in five U.S. adults will do some form of banking transaction over their mobile phones by 2015, up from the 12% who currently perform some of their banking over mobile handsets. That’s good news for banks, who are always looking for ways to cut down on teller interaction and thus overhead.

  • Service Data Guides Sullivan Tire’s Direct Mail Efforts

    Marketers who don’t get enough information from recency, frequency and monetary (RFM) analysis can consider adding a fourth metric to their calculations: Tire tread measurements.

    Granted, this metric will only yield useful data for a limited number of companies. But Sullivan Tire Co. Inc. is one such company, and when tires on a customer’s car are worn down to depths 3/32nds of an inch or so, its individualized direct mail efforts hit the ground running. During 2011, Sullivan Tire will expand the mail program fueled by this and other service data, sending out 500,000 pieces, according to database manager Mike Panarelli.