Search Results For: loyalty

  • Call Centers Integrating with Online Media: Special Report

    Gone are the days when a call center merely existed to take orders and maybe upsell a caller on additional products or services. Today’s call center is integrated with online customer service and social media channels to develop and nurture customer relationships.

  • Why Black Friday Should Merit Attention Throughout the Year

    Black Friday is coming. That Friday before Thanksgiving has been a boon for retailers, jumpstarting the holiday shopping season by offering door-buster deals starting in the wee hours of the morning to get consumers in a buying mood that hopefully lasts through the New Year. But retailers, eager to replay the day and generate sales, are watering down its effects by marketing and using the term, and its connotation at other times of the year.

  • Jeter Filter Could Hurt Marketers Now and Later

    Oh, man, the Jeter Filter has been invented! If you’re a hater and you use Google Chrome, the app will remove Derek Jeter from the World Wide Web. This could be one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time. And at the same time, this could be …

  • Points And Rewards, Not Discounts, Central to Club Yogi Rewards

    Whether Club Yogi Rewards, a two-year-old loyalty program which rewards campsite visitors, is smarter than the average bear remains unproven. But it’s definitely smarter than the average discount program, especially Club Yogi, the one it replaced in April 2009.


    Let’s face it: Shoppers are staying home. The combination of $4 or more for a gallon of gas and the rise of online shopping is negatively impacting store trips

  • Yes, Social Coupons Do Drive New Business: ForeSee Study

    Since their inception, social coupons such as those promoted by Groupon and LivingSocial have been dogged by the reputation that they don’t work very well to create new, loyal customers.

    But a new study suggests that social coupons—now morphed into `Daily Deals`–may be in fact be very effective at attracting new business. After that, building the loyalty is up to the merchant

  • NASCAR Makes a Pit Stop at Car Town

    NASCAR’s first social gaming experience makes another good case study of how to introduce an online game, ensure that game play spreads virally across social media and builds loyalty and repeat visits by rewarding players.

  • Five Key Steps to Mastering Mobile Marketing

    The key to masterful marketing in this changing landscape is both understanding mobile users and creating a site that works on both traditional and mobile devices. Here are five tips for creating an exceptional Web experience on mobile devices

  • Key Distinctions Among CPG E-shoppers: Study

    Online consumer goods purchases—particularly among millennials and high-end shoppers—are on the rise. There is a sense of urgency for consumer packaged goods companies to place a strategic priority and to shift their sales and marketing strategies to address this eCommerce tipping point or risk losing both share and relevance. In fact, ecommerce is the fastest growing channel for consumer packaged goods companies.

  • HSN Adds Game Arcade to Site to Boost Engagement adds a game portal to build visitor engagement into the ecommerce site