Search Results for: influencers
Segment Twice, Mail Once
TONIGHT SHOW host Jay Leno and Hell’s Angel maximum leader Sonny Barger are both Harley-Davidson enthusiasts. But a marketer using the same pitch to sell
The letter has long reigned as king of the mailing package. Even though a letter may be mailed to thousands, if done properly it has an aura that creates
Live From the NCDM: Bringing CRM to a B-to-B Database
At first blush, customer relationship management in the business-to-business arena is similar to consumer CRM efforts. Both focus on relationships that
Homey Holidays
It’s still looking a lot like Christmas despite terrorism and war. Consumers are expected to spend an average $940 per household on gifts this year, according
DIRECT Listline
Element K Journals American List Counsel has been awarded management of Element K Journals’ improved specialty subscriber files. The enhanced masterfile
Back to Business
We were citizens that day, not consumers. When tragedy struck on Sept. 11, Americans stopped buying, stopped flying, stopped their daily commerce to shoulder
A Medium That’s Well Done
With foresight to rival that of Nostradamus, Marshall McLuhan in 1967 recognized the profound and compelling influence of all media independent of the
A Run on Gas Masks
AMERICANS WORRIED ABOUT the prospect of chemical, biological and nuclear attacks are stocking up on survival gear. That means business for U.S. Cavalry,
If you couldn’t make it to PROMO Expo in person, here are 40 ideas taken from sessions that may help at the next brainstorming session. 1-Do a store check
Forbes Names ALC and Worldata/WebConnect to Manage Files
Forbes has awarded management of its flagship magazine subscriber file to American List Counsel and its direct mail newsletter properties to Worldata/WebConnect.