Search Results for: feed

  • Microsoft Tour Targets Families at Play

    Microsoft Corp. brings window-shopping to soccer moms with a 30-city tour touting Windows’ new Media PC. Microsoft drives home Media PC sampling The WoW: The Windows on Wheels Experience shows how the Media PC simultaneously controls all household …

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  • Experian Acquires Simmons Research

    Experian has acquired Simmons Research. Details of the transaction were not announced.

  • PETCO to Test Automated E-mail Targeting

    E-mail service provider Responsys Inc, Redwood City, CA, and the Web site marketing services firm Coremetrics Inc. of San Mateo, CA, have formed a strategic partnership to provide automated e-mail targeting and delivery services.

  • Tivo and Netflix Plan Internet Video Service

    Tivo and Netflix plan to launch a video-on-demand service next year that will deliver movies to consumers through the Internet.

  • Dialogue Gets Data Flowing

    Caught in a perfect storm of junk mail downpours, tidal waves of e-mail spam and thunderheads of mass-market advertising, your customers are looking to

  • Bridging the Divide

    Direct’s first B-to-B roundtable explores the gap between the needs of sales and marketing, and the dilemma of channel conflict

  • Cat Café Attracts Worldwide Attention, Delays Closing

    NEW YORK—What was to be a five-day event for cats has been extended to 12 days following huge interest from the media and visitors. Thanks to the uniqueness of Meow Mix Café, a boutique and dining establishment for cats and their human relatives and …

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  • Itchin’ For Religin’

    A break from Directmarketing talk, The column may be about politics, or sex, religion, lost youth, lost love, or lost lives, but it will be something that relates to you. It will be something that relates to us all.

  • White Castle Feeds Kids’ Minds

    White Castle is gearing up for the back-to-school season by filling the minds of children in the Windy City rather than their stomachs. On Aug. 7, three Chicago White Castle locations will distribute a total of 4,000 backpacks full of school supplies to …

  • Texting: Ultimate Loyalty Tool

    Mobile is a highly versatile new brand loyalty tool that creates opportunities for many things: to provide a more personal and timely service to customers;