Search Results for: data

  • Homework Assignment

    IT’S FINE AND good that the market for selling office supplies to small home offices and businesses is growing by leaps and bounds. But how can direct

  • No Two Alike

    PRINT TECHNOLOGY has allowed direct marketers to edge closer to the ideal of one-to-one marketing. Leading the charge is on-demand printing, which enables


    IT’S GENERALLY believed that after a certain amount of time spent working the phones, telephone representatives burn out. I maintain that reps are more

  • Building Muscle

    POSING FOR a portrait in his company’s lavish Woodland Hills, CA lobby, Michael Carr, president and CEO of muscle-mag publisher Weider Publications, briefly

  • Hey, What Ya Wanna Know?

    THE PRIVACY PUNDITS are whining about direct marketers in general-and database marketers in particular-having too much of the public’s personal information

  • Sessions

    Global Branding and Activation Dean Barrett, Vice President, Global Marketing, McDonald’s Corporation.Coffee Break in the Exhibit HallThe Promotion World

  • Evaluation in Evolution

    In our fast-forward age, where a sense of personal superiority often rests on having a quicker modem speed than one’s neighbor, it is hard to remember

  • Sessions

    Wednesday, October 7 Motivating a Company of One Patrick McCarthy, former Group Vice President, Corporate/Customer Relations at Ocean Spray, Inc.Coffee

  • Points of Switch

    Warner-Lambert faced a challenge two years ago when it wanted to extend sampling of its anti-itch cream Benadryl to reach heavy users. The drugmaker could

  • Workshop Day

    Tuesday, Ocotber 6 101 Promotion U This session is a roll-up-your-sleeves course on the planning, development, presentation, execution, and measurement