Search Results for: Marketers on Fire
POSTAL: USPS’ Calendar Mail Rule Draws Ire
The U.S. Postal Service is under fire by DM trade groups for ruling that most promotional calendars – those without extensive editorial copy – must be
Just Look Who’s Invading Our Turf…
IN A SINGLE section of a single issue of The Wall Street Journal were a gaggle of ads that were both naive and assumptive. What a dangerous combination!In
PRIVACY: AIM E-mail Rules Draw Internal Fire
Did the Association for Interactive Media go far enough when it passed a set of resolutions for responsible e-mail marketing last month? At least one
Virtual Limbo – Nothing to L.O.L. About
One of my pet annoyances is the punctuational shorthand the Internet has thrust upon our consciousness. “:-)” is supposed to mean something – smile or
Big Plans
This will be my final column for promo. I have so many other crucially important things to do, you see.I will forge a future in cable television by founding
Like “Seinfeld,” This Ad’s About Nothing
Art Technology Group appears to be a terrific e-commerce resource for major players – but you’d never guess from looking at the ad for its Web siteART
FIRED UP: Postman Goes Pyro
A PART-TIME LETTER carrier for the U.S. Postal Service in Chicago faces a variety of charges after he was allegedly caught red-handed by police burning
Oiling…No, Make That Greasing…the Olympic Lamp
ALONG WITH “legal ethics” and “military intelligence,” “Olympic Games” is a current oxymoron.Games? Games are a bunch of kids choosing sides for softball,
Looming Rate Hike Angers U.K. DMers
PORPOSED postal rate increases in the United Kingdom have sparked criticism by the direct marketing industry as well as calls for their immediate withdrawal.
Supreme Court Upholds Driver’s Privacy Act of 1994
The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994 yesterday, ruling that Congress clearly has the power to control